Foie gras toasts with red onion jam
Cuisine: French
Author: Maria Kalenska
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 5 mins
Total time: 15 mins

  • 1 slice of baguette
  • 40 g foie gras
  • 40 g onion jam
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • salt
Cooking method
  1. Salt and pepper the foie gras. Put the frying pan on high heat. When it is well heated, add the foie gras and fry on one side for 1 minute until golden brown. Turn the foie gras over and fry for another 1 minute, occasionally braising with fat from the pan. When foie gras is ready it should be pale pink on the inside and golden brown on the outside.
  2. Dry a piece of baguette in the oven. When it's cool, spread with onion jam and top with foie gras. Serve warm.
My tips and tricks
There is nothing that could replace foie gras. A whole liver weighs about ½ kg and is 90% fat, so you don't need oil for frying. It would be as if you took a piece of bacon and fry it in oil :)

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